Books and Book Chapters

  1. Neil J. Gunther ``Bilinear Model of Blocking Transients in Large Circuit-Switching Networks'', PERFORMANCE '90 Edinburgh, Scotland, P. B. King and I. Mitriani and R. J. Pooley, Proc. 14th IFIP WG 7.3 International Symposium on Computer Performance Modelling, Measurement and Evaluation, 175-189, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1990
  2. Neil J. Gunther ``qcomp: A Tool for Assessing Online Transaction Processing Scalability'', Computer Performance Evaluation, Modeling Techniques and Tools, G. Haring and G. Kotsis, # 794, 305-320, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1994
  3. Neil J. Gunther The Practical Performance Analyst, 1st (Hardbound), McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1998
  4. Neil J. Gunther The Practical Performance Analyst, 2nd (Paperback), iUniverse Press, Lincoln, NE, 2000
  5. Neil J. Gunther ``Performance and Scalability Models for a Hypergrowth e-Commerce Web Site'', Performance Engineering: State of the Art and Current Trends, R. Dumke and C. Rautenstrauch and A. Schmietendorf and A. Scholz, # 2047, 267-282, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, 2001
  6. Neil J. Gunther ``Analyzing Computer System Performance Using Perl::PDQ'', Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, 2005
  7. Neil J. Gunther ``Guerrilla Capacity Planning: A Tactical Approach to Planning for Highly Scalable Applications and Services'', Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, In preparation, to appear in 2006

Refereed Journals

  1. Neil J. Gunther ``Musings on Multiprocessor Benchmarks: Watershed or Waterloo?'', Invited article, SPEC Newsletter, 1, 12, Fall, 1989
  2. Neil J. Gunther ``Path Integral Methods for Computer Performance Analysis'', Information Processing Letters, 32(1), 7-13, 1989
  3. N. J. Gunther and M. T. Noga, ``PARCbench: A Benchmark for Shared Memory Architectures'', Computer Architecture News, 17, 4, 54-61, ACM, june, 1989
  4. Neil J. Gunther ``Performance Pathways: The Path Integral View of Computer System Stability'', ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 17(2), 50, 1990
  5. N. J. Gunther and J. G. Shaw, ``Path Integral Evaluation of ALOHA Network Transients'', Information Processing Letters, 33(6), 289-295, 1990
  6. N. J. Gunther and K. J. McDonell, ``Distributed Performance Management in a Heterogeneous Environment'', CMG Transactions, Issue 81, 83-90, 1993
  7. Neil J. Gunther ``Massively Parallel Processing and OLTP Performance: Limits to Growth?'', Capacity Management Review, 22(10), 1-7, 1994
  8. N. J. Gunther and L. M. Traister, ``Implementing Performance Flight-Recorders in a Distributed Computing Environment with A+UMA'', IEEE TCOS Bulletin, (7)3, 1995
  9. Neil J. Gunther ``How to Assess OLTP Scalability for Open System Multiprocessors'', OLTP Technology News, 1(2), 1-12, 1995
  10. Neil J. Gunther ``Thinking Inside the Box: The Next Step in TPC Benchmarking'', TPC Quarterly Report, 12, 8-17, 1995
  11. Neil J. Gunther ``Parallel Processing and OLTP Scalability'', TPC Quarterly Report, 14, 13-20, 1995
  12. Neil J. Gunther ``No Analysis Required: The Performance Analyst's Paradox'', TPC Quarterly Report, October (15), 8-12, 1995
  13. Neil J. Gunther ``Flight Recorders, Timing Chains, and Directions for SPEC System Benchmarks'', SPEC Newsletter, 7(1), 7-10, 1995
  14. Neil J. Gunther ``No Analysis Required! (The Performance Analyst's Paradox)'', Invited article, IEEE GRID, 43, 9, 21, November, 1996
  15. Neil J. Gunther ``The Dynamics of Performance Collapse in Large-Scale Networks and Computers'', International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 14, 4, July-August, 367-372, 2000
  16. Neil J. Gunther ``Hit-and-Run Tactics Enable Guerrilla Capacity Planning'', IEEE IT Professional, July-August, 40-46, 2002

Conference Proceedings

  1. Neil J. Gunther ``A Distributed Workstation Approach to IC Process Characterization'', Proceedings of WORKSTATIONS'85 Conference, 188, Nov, San Jose, California, 1985
  2. Neil J. Gunther ``A New Interpretation of Computer System Instabilities'', Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS Conference, May 24-27, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1988
  3. Neil J. Gunther ``PARCbench: A Benchmark Methodology for Multiprocessors'', Proc. ACM SIGMETRICS Conference, May 24-27, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1988
  4. Neil J. Gunther ``Instanton Techniques for Queueing Models of Large Computer Systems: Getting a Piece of the Action'', Invited paper, SIAM Conference on Applied Probability in Science and Engineering, March, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1990
  5. Neil J. Gunther ``On the Application of Barycentric Coordinates to the Prompt and Visually Efficient Display of Multiprocessor Performance Data'', Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Modelling Techniques and Tools for Computer Performance Evaluation, R. Pooley and J. Hillston, 67-80, September, Edinburgh, Scotland, Antony Rowe Ltd., Wiltshire, U.K., 1992
  6. Neil J. Gunther ``Fundamental Issues Facing Massively Parallel Database Systems'', Conf. Commercial Applications of Parallel Processing, Austin, Texas, Invited presentation, 1993
  7. Neil J. Gunther ``Scaling and Shared Nothingness'', High Performance Transaction Systems Workshop, Asilomar, California, September, Invited presentation, 1993
  8. Neil J. Gunther ``A Simple Capacity Model for Massively Parallel Transaction Systems'', CMG, San Diego, California, 1035-1044, Dec, 1993
  9. Neil J. Gunther ``Fundamental Issues for MPP Systems Running OLTP Applications'', Proc. COMPCON '94, Feb 3-5, San Francisco, California, 1994
  10. Neil J. Gunther ``OLTP on MPP Database Systems: Parallel or Paralyzed?'', Invited presentation, IEEE Computer Elements Workshop, June 26-29, Vail, Colorado, 1994
  11. Neil J. Gunther ``Techniques for Modeling Transient System Performance: Small Numbers with BIG Consequences'', Proc. Modelling Techniques and Tools., May 3-6, Vienna, Austria, 1994
  12. Neil J. Gunther ``The Answer is Still 42 But What's the Question? The Great Puzzle of Open Systems' Benchmarks'', CMG, Orlando, Florida, 732-738, December, 1994
  13. Neil J. Gunther ``Performance and Capacity Planning for Datacenter Parallelism'', CMG, Dec 3-8, Nashville, Tennesee, 491-501, 1995
  14. Neil J. Gunther ``Understanding the MP Effect: Multiprocessing in Pictures'', CMG, San Diego, California, 957-968, Dec, 1996
  15. Neil J. Gunther ``Shooting the RAPPIDs: Swift Performance Techniques for Turbulent Times'', CMG, Orlando, Florida, 602-613, Dec, 1997
  16. Neil J. Gunther ``Capacity Planning for Solaris SRM: All I Ever Wanted was My Unfair Advantage (And Why You Can¹t Get It!)'', CMG, Reno, Nevada, 194-205, Dec, 1999
  17. Neil J. Gunther ``e-Ticket Capacity Planning: How to ride the e-Commerce Growth Curve'', CMG, Orlando, Florida, 731-739, Dec, 2000
  18. Neil J. Gunther ``Seeing the Forest in the Tree: Applying VRML to Mathematical Problems in Number Theory'', SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology, January 23-28, San José, California, 252-267, 2000
  19. N. J. Gunther and G. Beretta, ``A Benchmark for Image Retrieval Using Distributed Systems Over the Internet: BIRDS-I'', SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology, January 22-26, San José, California, 252-267, 2001
  20. Neil J. Gunther ``Sins of Precision: Damaging Digits in Capacity Calculations'', CMG, Reno, Nevada, December, 2002
  21. N. J. Gunther and K. J. Christensen and K. Yoshigoe, ``Characterization of the Burst Stabilization Protocol for the RR/CICQ Switch, IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, October 20-24, Bonn, Germany, 2003
  22. K. J. Christensen and K. Yoshigoe, A. Roginsky and N. J. Gunther, ``Performance Evaluation of Packet-to-Cell Segmentation Schemes in Input Buffered Packet Switches, High-Speed Networks Symposium of ICC 2004, June 20-24, Paris, France, 2004
  23. Neil J. Gunther ``Linux Load Average Revealed: 20,000 Lines Under the Shell'', CMG, Las Vegas, NV, December 5-10, 2004
  24. Neil J. Gunther ``Unification of Amdahl's Law, LogP and Other Performance Models for Message-Passing Architectures'', XVII Intl. Conf. Parallel and Distributed Computer Systems (PDCS 2005), Phoenix, AZ, November 14-16, 2005

Technical Reports and Whitepapers

  1. Neil J. Gunther ``Critical Performance Phenomena: Applications of the Feynman Path Integral to Stability Analysis of Computer Systems'', Technical Report, CSLN-0055, August, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, Palo Alto, California 94304, 1988
  2. Neil J. Gunther ``Solaris SRM Performance Guidelines'', Whitepaper, Sun Microsystems, Menlo Park, California, 1999
  3. Neil J. Gunther ``How to Write Application Probes in Framework 7.1'', Online web article, TeamQuest Corporation, Clear Lake, Iowa, 1999
  4. N. J. Gunther and G. Beretta, ``A Benchmark for Image Retrieval Using Distributed Systems Over the Internet: BIRDS-I'', Technical Report, HPL-2000-162, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto, California, 2000
  5. Neil J. Gunther ``Enterprise UNIX resource managers: Capacity Planning and Performance Pitfalls'', Whitepaper, , TeamQuest Corporation, Clear Lake, Iowa, 2000
  6. Neil J. Gunther ``Server Scalability (I): Commercial Clusters'', Online web article, TeamQuest Corporation, Clear Lake, Iowa, 2000
  7. Neil J. Gunther ``Server Scalability (II): How to Measure an Elephant'', Online web article, , TeamQuest Corporation, Clear Lake, Iowa, 2001
  8. Neil J. Gunther ``Server Scalability (III): Evaluating Parameters: A Fitting End'', Online web article, , TeamQuest Corporation, Clear Lake, Iowa, 2002
  9. Neil J. Gunther ``Capacity Calculations: Handle with Care'', Online web article, , TeamQuest Corporation, Clear Lake, Iowa, 2002
  10. Neil J. Gunther ``Bayesian Inference Networks'', Confidential Report, , TeamQuest Corporation, Clear Lake, Iowa, 2002

Seminars and Presentations

  1. Neil J. Gunther ``A Distributed Workstation Approach to IC Process Characterization'', April, 1985, IEEE Conf. Computer Workstations, San Jose, California
  2. Neil J. Gunther ``Multiprocessor Benchmarking with a Dynamic Scale: How to Detect Disrace Under Pressure'', April, 1988, CS/EE School, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
  3. Neil J. Gunther ``Critical Performance Phenomena: Applications of the Feynman Path Integral to Stability Analysis of Computer Systems'', May, 1988, CS Dept. seminar, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
  4. Neil J. Gunther ``Critical Performance Phenomena: Applications of the Feynman Path Integral to Stability Analysis of Computer Systems'', July 26, 1988, Thinking Machines Corporation, Boston, Mass.
  5. Neil J. Gunther ``Critical Performance Phenomena: Applications of the Feynman Path Integral to Stability Analysis of Computer Systems'', July 29, 1988, IBM T. J. Watson Research Laboratories, Yorktown Heights, New York
  6. Neil J. Gunther ``Critical Performance Phenomena: Applications of the Feynman Path Integral to Stability Analysis of Computer Systems'', October, 1988, Concurrent Computation Group, Caltech, Pasadena, California
  7. Neil J. Gunther ``Critical Performance Phenomena: Applications of the Feynman Path Integral to Stability Analysis of Computer Systems'', April 29, 1988, CS Dept. seminar, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
  8. Neil J. Gunther ``Multiprocessor Benchmarking with a Dynamic Scale: How to Detect Disrace Under Pressure'', May 5, 1988, Australian Defense Force Academy, Canberra, Australia
  9. Neil J. Gunther ``Critical Performance Phenomena: Applications of the Feynman Path Integral to Stability Analysis of Computer Systems'', February, 1989, Ford Aerospace, Mountain View, California
  10. Neil J. Gunther ``Critical Performance Phenomena: Applications of the Feynman Path Integral to Stability Analysis of Computer Systems'', April, 1989, CS seminar, UCLA, Los Angeles, California
  11. Neil J. Gunther ``Bistability in Communications Networks'', July, 1989, PacBell, Network Systems Group, San Ramon, California
  12. Neil J. Gunther ``Instanton Techniques for Queueing Models of Large Computer Systems: Getting a Piece of the Action'', March, 1990, Invited paper. SIAM Conference on Applied Probability in Science and Engineering, New Orleans, Louisiana
  13. Neil J. Gunther ``The CASE for Future Network Systems' Performance'', May, 1990, Invited paper. Systems Design and Network Conference, Santa Clara, California
  14. Neil J. Gunther ``Flight Recorders, Geology, and the Future of Industrial Benchmarking'', April 26, 1995, PERNET Seminar Series. San Francisco State University
  15. Neil J. Gunther ``Performance Modeling of Large Transients in Computer Systems'', March 20, 1996, PERNET Seminar Series. San Francisco State University
  16. Neil J. Gunther ``Massively Parallel Processors: The Scalability of Architectures and Workloads'', April, 1996, ICCM Conference, Orlando, Florida
  17. Neil J. Gunther ``Practical Performance Prediction'', October, 1996, Invited talk Linux Users of Victoria (LUV), Melbourne, Australia
  18. Neil J. Gunther ``Practical Performance Prediction'', February 4, 1997, Invited talk Bay Area Linux Users Group (BALUG), San Francisco, California
  19. Neil J. Gunther ``Understanding the MP Effect: Multiprocessing in Pictures'', February 4, 1997, Northern California CMG, San Fransciso, California
  20. Neil J. Gunther ``Parallel Processing in Pictures'', February 19, 1997, PERNET Seminar Series. San Francisco State University
  21. Neil J. Gunther ``No Analysis Required! (The Performance Analyst's Paradox)'', April 8-11, 1997, Keynote at ICCM Conference, Orlando, Florida
  22. Neil J. Gunther ``Making a Cyber Shingle: How to Tango (not tangle) with the Web'', April 28, 1997, Invited talk Silicon Valley Innovation Symposium, Univ. Santa Clara, California
  23. Neil J. Gunther ``Parallel Processing in Pictures'', October 2, 1997, University of Arizona Mathematics Colloquium
  24. Neil J. Gunther ``Feynman Path-integral Approach to Tunneling Instabilities in Computers and Networks'', October 9, 1997, CS/Math Colloquium, UC Berkeley
  25. Neil J. Gunther ``Capacity Planning and Sizing for Distributed Systems'', November, 1997, Keynote for ICCM Conference, Orlando, Florida
  26. Neil J. Gunther ``Things That Go Bust in the Night: Benchmarking Blunders and Other Near Misses'', January, 1999, Keynote for Sun Worldwide Benchmark Centers, Hyatt Rickeys, Palo Alto, California
  27. Neil J. Gunther ``Parallel Processing in Pictures'', February, 1998, Computer Literacy Bookstore, San Jose, California
  28. Neil J. Gunther ``Benchmarking and Things That Go Bust in the Night'', February 24, 1999, PERNET Seminar Series. San Francisco State University
  29. Neil J. Gunther ``The X-Files: Investigating Alien Performance in a Thin-Client World'', February, 1999, Northern California CMG, Concord, California
  30. Neil J. Gunther ``PDQ (Pretty Damn Quick) Performance Analyzer'', May, 1999, Northern California CMG, Concord, California
  31. Neil J. Gunther ``The X-Files: Investigating Alien Performance in a Thin-client World'', June 27-30, 1999, Invited Lecture, High Performance Computing Conference, University of Tromso, Norway
  32. Neil J. Gunther ``WLM Velocity Demystified: More Haste Less Speed'', August, 1999, Northern California CMG, Concord, California
  33. Neil J. Gunther ``Seeing the Forest in the Tree: Applying VRML to Mathematical Problems in Number Theory'', SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology, January 23-28, San Jose, California, 252-267, 2000
  34. Neil J. Gunther ``e-Ticket Capacity Planning: How to Tame Rapid-Growth Web Servers'', June 18, 2000, ACM SIGMETRICS Tutorial, Santa Clara, California
  35. Neil J. Gunther ``Next Generation Linux: What Not to Do!'', July 11, 2000, Invited talk Linux Users of Victoria (LUV), Melbourne, Australia
  36. Neil J. Gunther ``UNIX Fair-share Schedulers: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You'', July 24, 2000, Computer Science Seminar, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
  37. Neil J. Gunther ``Techniques for Website Sizing and Scalability'', April 19, 2001, Invited talk to local UNIX system admins.
  38. Neil J. Gunther ``Techniques for Website Sizing and Scaling'', June 26, 2001, Invited talk at University of Geneva Vision Group, Switzerland
  39. Neil J. Gunther ``The Dynamics of Performance Transients in Large-scale Communication Networks'', July 3, 2001, Invited talk Telematica Instituut, Enschede, Holland
  40. N. J. Gunther and G. Beretta, ``A Benchmark for Image Retrieval Using Distributed Systems Over the Internet: BIRDS-I'', SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology, January 22-26, San Jose, California, 252-267, 2001
  41. Neil J. Gunther ``The Entomology of Server Sizing Models'', April 15, 2002, Invited talk to Sun Performance Group, Menlo Park, California
  42. Neil J. Gunther ``Celebrity Boxing (and Sizing): Alan Greenspan vs. Gene Amdahl'', August, 2002, Northern California CMG, Pleasanton, California
  43. Neil J. Gunther ``Linux Load Average; Not Your Average Average'', September, 2002, Invited talk Linux Users of Victoria (LUV), Melbourne, Australia
  44. Neil J. Gunther ``Gnutella, GRIDs and Gargantuan Computing'', September, 2002, Plenary talk Australian UNIX Users Group (AUUG) Annual Conference, Melbourne, Australia
  45. Neil J. Gunther ``Celebrity Boxing (and Sizing): Alan Greenspan vs. Gene Amdahl'', September, 2002, Invited talk CMG Australian Annual Conference
  46. Neil J. Gunther ``Celebrity Boxing (and Sizing): Alan Greenspan vs. Gene Amdahl'', October 23, 2002, PERNET Seminar Series. San Francisco State University
  47. Neil J. Gunther ``Sins of Precision: Damaging Digits in Capacity Calculations'', CMG, Reno, Nevada, December, 2002, CMG National Conference, Reno, Nevada
  48. Neil J. Gunther ``Celebrity Boxing (and Sizing): Alan Greenspan vs. Gene Amdahl'', December, 2002, CMG National Conference, Reno, Nevada
  49. Neil J. Gunther ``Gauging Gargantuan Computers: Benchmark Prats and Pitfalls'', April, 2003, Keynote for the 22nd IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference
  50. Neil J. Gunther ``How to Extract Performance Information Nuggets from a Mire of Performance Measurements'', November, 2003, Webinar for RadView Software, Inc.

Class Notes

  1. Neil J. Gunther ``Planning for Parallel Processing Technology'', October, 1995, 3-day Class for Institute for Computer Capacity Management
  2. Neil J. Gunther ``Sizing and Tuning Servers for Distributed Open Systems'', February 6-9, 1996, 4-day Class for Amdahl Corp., Orlando, Florida
  3. Neil J. Gunther ``Server Capacity Planning'', September 20-24, 1999, 5-day Class for Amdahl Corp., Washington D.C.
  4. Neil J. Gunther ``Performance and Capacity Planning for Distributed Open Systems'', October 14-15, 1996, 2-day Class at Hotel InterContinental, Sydney, Australia
  5. Neil J. Gunther ``Performance and Capacity Planning for Distributed Open Systems'', October 17-18, 1996, 2-day Class at Stamford Plaza Hotel, Melbourne, Australia
  6. Neil J. Gunther ``Pruning Client/Server Performance Problems: The SES/Strategizer Solution'', September, 1997, 1-day Class for SES Inc., Hyatt Regency, San Francisco, California
  7. Neil J. Gunther ``Performance and Capacity Planning Concepts and Techniques for Distributed Systems'', May, 1997, 3-day Class for Institute for Computer Capacity Management
  8. Neil J. Gunther ``Practical Performance Methods'', August, 1997, Stanford University Western Institute of Computer Science Series
  9. Neil J. Gunther ``High Performance Web and Database Techniques'', February, 1998, Australian UNIX Users Group (AUUG) ``RoadShow'' tutorials across five capital cities in Australia
  10. Neil J. Gunther ``Practical Performance Methods'', August, 1998, Stanford University Western Institute of Computer Science Series
  11. Neil J. Gunther ``Practical Performance Methods'', August, 1999, Stanford University Western Institute of Computer Science Series
  12. Neil J. Gunther ``Practical System Performance'', December 15-16, 1999, 2-day Class for Motorola University, Arlington Heights, Illinois
  13. Neil J. Gunther ``Images Over the Internet: The Performance Picture'', January 25, 2000, SPIE 12th International Symposium on Electronic Imaging, Short Course SC082, San Jose, California
  14. Neil J. Gunther ``Practical Performance Analysis'', February 8-11, 2000, 4-day Class for Sun Workserver Group, Burlington, Massachusetts
  15. Neil J. Gunther ``Practical System Performance'', February, 2000, 2-day Class for Motorola Cellular Infrastructure Group, Tempe, Arizona
  16. Neil J. Gunther ``Practical Performance Methods'', March, 2000, Stanford University terminated the entire WICS series after 25 years
  17. Neil J. Gunther ``Introductory Capacity Planning'', August 7-9, 2000, 3-day Class for the Defense Logistics Agency, Columbus, Ohio
  18. Neil J. Gunther ``Introductory Performance Analysis and Capacity Planning'', August 15, 2000, Class for TeamQuest Corp., Clear Lake, Iowa
  19. Neil J. Gunther ``Introductory Capacity Planning'', February, 2001, 5-day Class for MBNA America, Wilmington, Delaware
  20. Neil J. Gunther ``Scalable Server Performance and Capacity Planning'', "", UCLA Eng. Course 819.328, March, 2001
  21. Neil J. Gunther ``Guerrilla Capacity Planning'', "", Course Notes for Performance Dynamics Educational Services, March/November, 2001
  22. Neil J. Gunther ``System Performance Engineering (QBC831)'', June 18-22, 2001, 5-day Class for Thales Signaal, Hengelo, Holland
  23. Neil J. Gunther ``Introductory Performance Analysis and Capacity Planning'', November, 2001, 5-day Class for Boeing Company, Bellvue, Washington
  24. Neil J. Gunther ``Guerrilla Capacity Planning'', "", Course Notes for Performance Dynamics Educational Services, March/November, 2002
  25. Neil J. Gunther ``Getting Beyond Monitoring; Pretty Damn Quickly'', September, 2002, Half-day Seminar for AUUG Annual Conference
  26. Neil J. Gunther ``Application Scalability Analysis'', September 11, 2002, Half-day Seminar for CMG Annual Conference

Software Published

  1. Neil J. Gunther ``Distributed VLSI Test Software'', Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, Palo Alto, California, Proprietary, Written in Xerox proprietary Cedar/Mesa language, 1984
  2. Neil J. Gunther ``Automated Latch-up Test Tool Demonstration'', Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, Palo Alto, California, Proprietary, Video presentation, 1984
  3. Neil J. Gunther ``A SciCards Compiler for the Xerox-Versatec PCB Design Environment'', Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, Palo Alto, California, Proprietary, Written in Xerox Cedar/Mesa language. Approximately 30,000 lines, 1987
  4. Neil J. Gunther ``Barry'', Pyramid Technology Corporation, Mountain View, California, Proprietary, Visualization of Multiprocessor CPU utilization using barycentric coordinates. Approximately 200 lines of C code, 1991
  5. Neil J. Gunther ``ENQUIAR: ENterprise QUeueIng AnalyzeR'', Pyramid Technology Corporation, San Jose, California, Proprietary, Precursor to open source PDQ tool. Approximately 10,000 lines of C code, 1992
  6. Neil J. Gunther ``PDQ (Pretty Damn Quick) performance analyzer'', Performance Dynamics Company, Castro Valley, California, GPL Open Source. Approximately 5,000 lines of C code, , 1998

e-Prints (Electronic Preprints)

  1. Neil J. Gunther ``Seeing the Forest in the Tree: Applying VRML to Mathematical Problems in Number Theory'', "", How VRML can provide potentially powerful insight into the 3x + 1 problem, Dec 31, 1999
  2. Neil J. Gunther ``Solaris System Resource Manager: All I Ever Wanted Was My Unfair Advantage (And Why You Can't Have It!)'', "", Analysis of the SHARE-II fair-share scheduler, Jun 8, 2000
  3. Neil J. Gunther ``UNIX Resource Managers: Capacity Planning and Resource Issues'', "", Presents capacity planning guidelines for migrating to automated UNIX resource management, Jun 8, 2000
  4. Neil J. Gunther ``The X-Files: Investigating Alien Performance in a Thin-client World'', "", Scalability case study of X-windows applications, Jun 8, 2000
  5. N. J. Gunther and G. B. Beretta, ``A Benchmark for Image Retrieval using Distributed Systems over the Internet'', "", Scalability of content based image retrieval systems, Dec 22, 2000
  6. Neil J. Gunther ``Performance and Scalability Models for a Hypergrowth e-Commerce Web Site'', "", Case study based on the author's own capacity planning engagement with one of the hottest e-commerce Web sites in the world., Dec 26, 2000
  7. Neil J. Gunther ``Hypernets - Good (G)news for Gnutella'', "", Scalability of P2P networks, Feb 16, 2002
  8. Neil J. Gunther ``A New Interpretation of Amdahl's Law and Geometric Scalability'', "", New interpretation of queueing bounds, Oct 17, 2002

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