#!/usr/bin/env python
# A Python PDQ model of the SimPy simulator example
# http://simpy.sourceforge.net/examples/Jackson%20network.htm
# Created by NJG on Thu Oct 28 10:16:59 PDT 2004
# Updated by NJG on 8:40:28 PM Thu, Apr 19, 2007
import pdq
import sys
from numpy import *
from numpy.linalg import solve
class CommsNetwork:
""" Constructor for the queueing network to be solved """
def __init__(self, netname, debugFlag):
""" Globals should be contained :-) """
self.name = netname
self.debugging = debugFlag
self.arrivRate = 0.50
self.work = "Traffic"
self.router = ["Router1", "Router2", "Router3"]
self.servTime = [1.0, 2.0, 1.0]
# Create a network instance
comms = CommsNetwork("SimPy Network", 1)
""" Construct and solve traffic equations numerically using NumPy
From the queueing network diagram, we have:
L1 = 0.5 + 0.2 L3
L2 = 0.5 L1
L3 = 0.5 L1 + 0.8 L2
Rearrange the terms into matrix form:
1.0 L1 + 0.0 L2 - 0.2 L3 = 0.5
- 0.5 L1 + 1.0 L2 + 0.0 L3 = 0.0
- 0.5 L1 - 0.8 L2 + 1.0 L3 = 0.0
All diagonal coeffs should be 1.0
# Copy above matrix coeffs into an NumPy array
a = array([[ 1.0, 0.0, -0.2],
[-0.5, 1.0, 0.0],
[-0.5, -0.8, 1.0]])
# RHS of the traffic eqns
b = array([0.5, 0.0, 0.0])
# Solve the traffic eqns for L1, L2, and L3
L = solve(a,b)
# Use L matrix to calculate visit ratios at each router
v = array([L[0]/comms.arrivRate, L[1]/comms.arrivRate, L[2]/comms.arrivRate])
# Service demands
D = array([v[0]*comms.servTime[0], v[1]*comms.servTime[1], v[2]*comms.servTime[2]])
""" Use the service demands derived from the solved traffic equations
to parameterize and solve PyDQ queueing model
pdq.Init("SimPy Network in PyDQ")
# Create the traffic arriving into the network
s = pdq.CreateOpen(comms.work, comms.arrivRate)
# Create network routers
for i in range(len(comms.router)):
n = pdq.CreateNode(comms.router[i], pdq.CEN, pdq.FCFS)
pdq.SetDemand(comms.router[i], comms.work, D[i])
# Solve and report the peformance measures