Support Materials for Dr. Gunther's CMG Presentations

Support Materials for Dr. Gunther's CMG Presentations

Computer Measurement Group Home Page


1  CMG 2008: Las Vegas, Nevada
    1.1  A.A. Michelson Award
    1.2  Sunday Workshop: How High Will It Fly?
    1.3  CMG-T: Capacity Planning Boot Camp
    1.4  Paper 8066: Object Measure Thyself
    1.5  Paper 8143: Multidimensional Visualization of Oracle Performance Using Barry007
2  CMG 2007: San Diego
    2.1  Hot Topics Session #511: Seeing It All at Once with Barry
    2.2  Barycentric Coordinates Algorithm
    2.3  Apdex Alliance Meeting: Triangulating the Apdex Index with Barry-3
    2.4  Sunday Workshop: How to Move Beyond Monitoring, Pretty Damn Quick!
3  CMG 2006: Reno, NV
    3.1  Session: Virtualization: From Hyperthreads to GRIDs
    3.2  NorCal CMG Meeting in San Franscisco
4  CMG 2005: North East Regional Meetings
    4.1  The Millennium Performance Problems
5  CMG 2004: Las Vegas, NV
    5.1  Session #4016: Linux Load Average Revealed
6  CMG 2002: Reno, Nevada
    6.1  Sunday Workshop: ASAP: Assuring Scalability for Application Performance
    6.2  Session #454: Sins of Precision-Damaging Digits in Capacity Calculations
    6.3  Session #681: Celebrity Boxing (and Sizing)-Alan Greenspan vs. Gene Amdahl
7  CMG 2001: Anaheim, California
    7.1  Track: Website Scalability Day

1  CMG 2008: Las Vegas, Nevada

1.1  A.A. Michelson Award

If you missed my acceptance speech at the opening session on Monday evening, the slides are now available online (PDF 3.5 MB). In addition, TeamQuest Corporation (a major CMG sponsor) graciously agreed to videotape my speech and this affords a lot of opportunities to promote both CMG and TeamQuest in yet to be determined ways. Stay tuned to my blog for updates on where the vid will appear. Once again, I would like to publicly thank the AAM Committee, the CMG Board of Directors, and my nominators for this honor. As I said in my speech, it really is my CMG 1993 dream come true.

1.2  Sunday Workshop: How High Will It Fly?

This workshop presented my Universal Scalability Law (USL) approach to quantitative scalability. Two things I forgot to discuss:
  1. Response times. Once we have calculated the USL model, we can easily compute the expected throughput as X(p) or X(N) and from there, it is a simple matter to calculate the response times for each load level using the formula:
    R(N)  =   N

    − Z
    This formula applies to a closed queueing-system as is valid when the load-test data is generated by a tool like LoadRunner.

  2. Brooks' Law. It turns out that the USL contains Brooks' Law as a special case. This is not obvious because the USL expresses throughput scalability, whereas Brooks' law expresses the corresponding latency picture. See this blog entry for more details.

The paper which contains the proofs of the theorems underlying the USL is available online, but is not for the faint of mathematical heart.

1.3  CMG-T: Capacity Planning Boot Camp

Again, I was surprised by how many people come to my CMG-T sessions. Apparently, it's a mix of both "newbies" and "oldies" who like to hear my war stories. Unfortunately, something got lost in the translation between my original notes and what landed on your CMG CD.
The corrected slides, including updated hyperlinks (in red), are now available as PDFs:
  1. Session 405: Getting Started (2.7 MB)

  2. Session 415: Metrics and Management (1.3 MB)

  3. Session 425: Going Guerrilla (1.8 MB)

If you'd like to learn more about capacity managment, come to the 2-day Guerrilla Boot Camp class in 2009.

1.4  Paper 8066: Object Measure Thyself

This paper was presented by Michael Ducy (now at BMC Software) and Greg Opaczewski (Orbitz Worldwide) and gave an overview of the performance monitoring architecture that has been designed and implemented at It is based around their own Open Source monitoring API called ERMA (Extremely Reusable Monitoring API), which has made their code essentially self-instrumented through the use of frameworks, abstraction, and Aspect Oriented Programming.
Whereas we, at CMG, are usually found bemoaning the lack of application instrumentation, ERMA turns that problem on its head and produces a veritable fire-hose of application performance data. Then, the question becomes: What are going to do with all that data? The authors presented one tool that they have created to address that question. It's called Graphite and strikes me as MRTG/RRDtool done rigtht viz., it offers scalable images, drill down, dynamic updating, etc.
This presentation was a consequence of discussions that I had with Michael Ducy when he attended the GBoot class earlier this year. I then suggested that they present at CMG 2008 because they seem to have actually implemented (independently) something that I proposed at CMG 2002.
As became apparent after their presentation, a lot of questions remain, so I will endeavor to establish a discussion channel for this topic which will also enable responses from the authors. Watch my blog for news about where this discussion will take place.

1.5  Paper 8143: Multidimensional Visualization of Oracle Performance Using Barry007

This paper was presented jointly by Tanel Põder (an Oracle database performance expert) and myself. It discussed the application of Barry-centric visualization (see Section 2.1) to Oracle Wait Interface data.
As became apparent after this presentation, a lot of questions remain, so I will endeavor to establish a discussion channel for this topic which will also enable responses from the author. Watch my blog for news about where this discussion will take place.

2  CMG 2007: San Diego

2.1  Hot Topics Session #511: Seeing It All at Once with Barry

Session 511 Monday, Dec 3, 4 pm - 5 pm
Improving data visualization paradigms for performance management is an orphaned area of tool development. Performance tool vendors avoid investing in development if they do not see a demand, while capacity planners and performance analysts cannot demand what they have not conceived. We attempt to cut this Gordian knot with Barry: a 3D performance visualization suite based on barycentric coordinates.
Potentially thousands of active processors, servers, network segments or applications can be viewed as a moving cloud of points that produces easily comprehended visual patterns due to correlations in the workload dynamics. Barry provides an optimal impedance match between the measured computer system and the cognitive computer system (i.e., your brain).
Certainly we do not understand all the neural circuitry of the brain (which appears to be a very novel kind of non-Von Neumann parallel distributed-computer), but we do know quite a lot about certain pieces of the brain's neural circuitry and in particular the visual system. The most recent research suggests that the retina appears to form a sequence of movie-like frames containing data akin to colorized fourier transforms. A dominant feature of the brain in general, and the visual cortex in particular, is that it is an excellent differential analyzer.
Paper (PDF)
Slides (PDF)
Here are some animations (created using Mathematica 6.0) of several concepts mentioned in the paper and the presentation.
Performance Metric Eye Candy
MacSpin Barry-3 3-Simplex Barry4
MacSpin is a facsimile of the program originally developed for the Macintosh computer c.1988, which applied John Tukey's concept of rotating or spinning data sets in virtual 3-space with the mouse. The 3 attributes shown here are taken from the original CRCars automobile data viz., horsepower, weight, model year. In general, the data appear as a 3-dimensional scatterplot, but as the cube rotates you will see that the otherwise random data exhibit bands at certain viewing angles. This is not at all obvious without the ability to swivel the coordinate system.
Barry-3 displays CPU utilization for a 72-way multiprocessor running a network-based workload on ORACLE 10g. The barry-3 axes are: At 12:36:46, the workload begins to ramp up starting at the lower left corner of the triangle; maximum idleness. Most of the CPUs (shown as colored dots) gradually make their way up the blue idle axis (decreasing idleness) to cluster around the region bounded by the 25% idle line, the 25% sys line and the 50% usr line. However, 3 CPUs peel off at around 10% usr time and rapidly migrate (rightward) to the 80-90% sys location; near the tip of the yellow arrow. These CPUs are dedicated to handling network traffic and other house-keeping. At 12:53:41, the workload completes and all the CPU dots rapidly return to the tip of the blue arrow as they become idle again. Some clean up continues as some of the CPUs are seen to run back and forth along the base of the Barry3 triangle (zero usr time) between idle and system time. The frame rate of 1 second corresponds to 10 seconds of real time, as shown in the clock display. (Data supplied with permission by Time Cook of Sun Microsystems.)
Compare with the application of Barry-3 to the Apdex Alliance response time metrics in Section 2.3 below.
The 3-simplex is a tetrahedron. It is formed by joining the centers of close-packed uniform spheres. Notice that all the edges between the vertices are of equal length. The 4 vertices and their opposite faces provide the basis for the barycentric coordinates. The 3-simplex enables us to display 4 degrees of freedom in 3 (virtual) dimensions; Barry4. In our paper, we conjecture and demonstrate visually, that it is not possible to construct a Barry5 in 3-dimensions. In other words, there is no way to construct a geometric figure with all edges equal, out of close-packed uniform spheres.
Barry-4 is an application of the 3-simplex depecting 4 network performance metrics in three dimensions for 1000 network segments or cloud of points. It is very clear, even without looking closely at the visual area, that the points cluster into 3 sub-clouds along certain viewing angles. This is the barycentric analog of the MacSpin example.

2.2  Barycentric Coordinates Algorithm

Here is the algorithm for determining barycentric coordinates in Mathematica 6.0.
Assume an equilateral triangle of unit height with its 3 vertices A, B, C organized so that its lower left vertex is labeled 'B' at the Cartesian origin and the apex is labeled 'A'. Then, the location of the vertices B, A, C is given by the triple:
    barry3Vtx = {{0, 0}, {1/Sqrt[3], 1}, {2/Sqrt[3], 0}}

Keep in mind: Each of the barycentric axes belonging to A, B, C is normalized onto the unit interval [0, 1]. The algorithm for generating the corresponding x-y coordinates of a point within this trianglular coordinate system is as follows.
    GetXYBarry3[Counts_List] :=
       (* Created by NJG on Thu Jun 14 14:43:19 PDT 2007 *)
          {S, x, y, coords}, 
          (* Argument is a list of A, B, C Integer sample counts. 
          Returns x y Real plot coordinates inside Barry triangle.*)       
          If[!ListQ[Counts], Return["Error: Must be a list."]]; 
          If[Length[Counts] != 3, Return["Error: Must be 3 sample counts."]];
          If[!IntegerQ[Counts[[1]]] || !IntegerQ[Counts[[2]]] || 
              !IntegerQ[Counts[[3]]], Return["Error: Must be integers."]]; 
          A = Counts[[1]];
          B = Counts[[2]];
          C = Counts[[3]];
          S = A + B + C;
          (* A and B order swapped to position A at Barry-3 apex *)
          x = ((barry3Vtx[[1]])[[1]] * B) + ((barry3Vtx[[2]])[[1]] * A) + 
              ((barry3Vtx[[3]])[[1]] * C);
          y = ((barry3Vtx[[1]])[[2]] * B) + ((barry3Vtx[[2]])[[2]] * A) + 
              ((barry3Vtx[[3]])[[2]] * C);
          coords = {x/S, y/S};
          Return[N[coords]];(* Numeric rather than fractions *)

The code is fairly C-like but there are a few oddities.
   GetXYBarry3[{132, 18, 1}] returns: {0.512351, 0.874172}

2.3  Apdex Alliance Meeting: Triangulating the Apdex Index with Barry-3

Session 45A, Wednesday, Dec 5, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
This is what we showed as a demonstration during our presentation. (PDF)
Barry-3 Animation of Apdex Measurements
The location of each dot is determined by its percentage of satisfied (s), tolerating (t) and frustrated (f) counts. In this case, the unnormalized categorical data is binned according to:
The Apdex response time measurements were collected from 5 different geographic locations (shown in the legend) over a period of 30 days. Data supplied with permission by Peter Sevcik of the Apdex Alliance.
The gray background is superimposed to better display the colored dots.

2.4  Sunday Workshop: How to Move Beyond Monitoring, Pretty Damn Quick!

Session 191, Sunday, Dec 2, 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM
PDQ models (zip) Included files are:
baseline.c Baseline for 3-tier client-server architecture Growth model for CPU utlization and load average in PyDQ
ebiz_naive.c Basic 3-tier web application model
ebiz_retro.c Web application model including retrograge throughput
Makefile Make file for PDQ models written in C Simple M/M/1 queueing model in python Simple M/M/1 queueing model in Perl
scaleup.c Increase client load for 3-tier client-server architecture
upgrade1.c Upgrade scenarios for 3-tier client-server architecture
upgrade2.c More upgrade scenarios for 3-tier client-server architecture

3  CMG 2006: Reno, NV

3.1  Session: Virtualization: From Hyperthreads to GRIDs

A HREF="">Paper (PDF)

3.2  NorCal CMG Meeting in San Franscisco

I want to thank everyone who attended the Northern California CMG kick-off meeting for 2006, sponsored by SAS Institute in San Franscisco. Cathy Nolan did a great job of organizing, as usual. I really enjoyed giving the presentation, and I hope you enjoyed it half as much as I did! Some of you asked such insightful questions that I will now have to make some more edits to my Guerrilla Capacity Planning book. Better now than later!
Toward the end of my presentation, a young lady in the front row asked me about applying my Universal Scalability Law to multi-tier architectures. I appeared to "page fault" on the question. That's because I did! What is really weird is, that I already have a section in my presentation where I discuss that topic but I skipped it because we were running short on time. Since I forgot that section was included, I ended up trying to recall another client-server architecture that I had been working on a few months ago, and that's why I was busy "paging in". (Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it! ;-)) Anyway, the answer it, Yes (see the slides).
Here are the materials you requested:

4  CMG 2005: North East Regional Meetings

At the local CMG meetings in Boston and Hartford, I gave a talk entitled The Millennium Performance Problems, and it seems to have generated a lot of interest. What follows is a brief discription of that talk.

4.1  The Millennium Performance Problems

This material is based on a keynote presentation I gave at the TeamQuest User Group meeting during CMG 2004 in Las Vegas, Nevada. A later version was presented as a Webinar sponsored by TeamQuest.
The Millennium Performance Problems are:
  1. Performance Visualization:
    The idea here is to find ways of representing performance data that are a better impedance match for our cognitive computer (our brain). One role model is the techniques used in so-called Scientific Visualization where physicists and biologists have learned to use things like special GUIs and animation to represent complex data in ways that help them solve problems. Why should they have all the fun?

  2. Self-instrumented Applications:
    Object-oriented programming has been promoted as a good thing primarily for reasons of reusability. If people are going to re-use objects, how about they come with their own instrumentation? This really should be part of the object library so that a programmer need nevre be concerned with adding such code. Then I, as the performance analyst would have the ability to turn objects on selectively and thereby trace paths through application code to find bottlenecks, even on production systems.

  3. The Von Neummann Bottleneck:
    An efficient way to compute something on a machine is to do more than one thing at once. The technical term is parallelism. Unfortunately, despite a lot of intense effort over the last two decades, general-purpose parallelism remains a holy grail of performance analysis. One reason for this barrier seems to stem from the influential success of early electronic computer designers such as Alan Turing and John von Neumann. The fundamental paradigm of sequential programming and operation seem to be almost impossible to break away from in the modern digital computer. But there is an obvious role model for a non-von computer architecture: our brain. This has led to the idea neural networks as way of achieving a higher degree of parallelism. Quantum computers are another.

  4. Performance Analysis of the Internet:
    The results of analyzing Internet packet traces 15 years ago at Bellcore (now Lucent) showed that long-term correlations can persist over several orders of magnitude in time. Packet arrivals are not Poisson, and service times are not constant. In other words, all the conventional queueing theory techniques near and dear to our hearts as performance analysts, are no longer valid at the packet level. How are we to model the Internet? Perhaps we need to think big. The climatologists use things like the Earth Simulator to address complex questions about global warming. Maybe we need an Internet Simulator of similar scale?

  5. Performance Analysis of Quantum Computers:
    Quantum Computers are probably a long way off, but quantum communication devices are already here. The only reason you are not aware of them is because they are expensive and therefore a specialty item for institutions like banks. In the next 3 to 5 years, I believe these things will reach commodity prices and will therefore become more ubiquitous. I am also working on these technologies now. The question for us is, How will they affect performance?

If you have questions or other ideas about important performance issues, please send your comments by email and I will consider adding them here.

5  CMG 2004: Las Vegas, NV

5.1  Session #4016: Linux Load Average Revealed

6  CMG 2002: Reno, Nevada

6.1  Sunday Workshop: ASAP: Assuring Scalability for Application Performance

6.2  Session #454: Sins of Precision-Damaging Digits in Capacity Calculations

If you have any constructive comments that might advance these issues, please contact me and I will add your remarks.

6.3  Session #681: Celebrity Boxing (and Sizing)-Alan Greenspan vs. Gene Amdahl

7  CMG 2001: Anaheim, California

7.1  Track: Website Scalability Day

Copyright © 2001-2008 Performance Dynamics Company. All Rights Reserved.


1As pointed out by Jim Gonka, there was a line missing from this question.

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